The adventures of one father, one mother and FIVE crazy little boys!
Posted by Cathi at 11:18 PM 21 comments
Posted by Cathi at 10:31 PM 4 comments
Posted by Cathi at 5:16 PM 5 comments
Posted by Cathi at 5:02 PM 4 comments
Posted by Cathi at 6:54 PM 2 comments
This is kind of a random picture but I kept wanting to blog it so here's my excuse. Logan, Mason, and Noah went to a primary Pioneer Day activity a month ago and had a great time pretending to be pioneers. They went on a long "trek" from the park over to the church building, played some pioneer games, learned about some of the trials the pioneers went through, and even made butter! At the end of the activity all the kids got a packet with some snacks to use to make a "pioneer wagon". Logan's was the only one to make it home before it got eaten. He followed all the directions and got it done really quick. It turned out perfect!!
The first day of school!!
On Tuesday Aug. 19th the boys started back to school. They were sooooo excited! Logan began 3rd grade in Mrs. Baker's class. So far he's enjoying being a big 3rd grader. He'll be starting piano lessons soon from our neighbor, we're excited for him.
Mason is now a big 1st grader! He gets to go to school all day with Logan and eat lunch in the cafeteria with all the big kids. He's been so excited to have recess with Logan but this year the 3rd and 1st graders don't have recess together, DARN! He is in Mrs. Cern's class with some of his friends from the ward. He's beginning soccer this week and his Sunday school teacher will be his coach!! We had to pull a lot of strings to get him on that team. He'll be with all the other boys his age in the ward. We're soooo excited for him!
Posted by Cathi at 4:44 PM 4 comments
Posted by Cathi at 3:50 PM 5 comments
Posted by Cathi at 6:56 PM 5 comments
I've just updated my Twilight Confessions blog regarding the Breaking Dawn Release Party at Border's in Roseville (Douglas/Rocky Ridge) on Aug. 1st. Add your name to the comments if you are planning on joining us at the party!!
Posted by Cathi at 9:33 AM 2 comments
This was seriously one of the funnest parties! Just seeing everyone dressed in their best 80's clothes was fun. The Ballards are moving this week to LA for Annie to go to film school at USC. They wanted to go out with a RAD bang! I'm so sad they're moving, they are soooo fun to hang with. They went all out for the party: hiring a couple hot bartenders, and a DJ to keep the 80's tracks rolling.
Dave and I had to go to the Goodwill to get some 80's inspiration. Dave ended up with a Marty McFly style "life preserver" vest, so he went as the 80's Back to the Future star. I just did my best to hide the prego belly under a huge (3XL) cut up sweatshirt, off the shoulder of course. Add some nasty leggings and fingerless gloves, an obnoxious hairbow, too much makeup and I'm an 80's rock star wannabe! The party had a few hairband members (Matt & Corey), some preppys (Mark & Ben), one hot Olivia Newton-John (Rachel), a few bodacious Prom Queens (Tiffani, Amy, & Emily), a Valley girl crew (Tiffany, me, Annie, Keri, Stephanie, Mrs. Macy...)... and more! All the 80's reminiscing made me want to rent all the old John Hughes movies I grew up on: Pretty in Pink, Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club, Some Kind of Wonderful, Better off Dead.... I think I'll have to have an 80's movie night....! Wanna come?
Posted by Cathi at 10:28 AM 9 comments
Posted by Cathi at 8:17 PM 15 comments
Wow! I can't believe my first baby boy is 8 yrs. old and was baptized! I've been so busy that I haven't updated the blog for a while. But this was too important to not blog about. I was able to take Logan out before his baptism and do a little photo shoot. He was such a great sport. I was fast and he's so handsome it wasn't hard. He's growing up so fast I just can't believe it.
Posted by Cathi at 12:47 PM 9 comments
Posted by Cathi at 3:21 PM 8 comments
Posted by Cathi at 2:16 PM 1 comments
Posted by Cathi at 11:55 PM 5 comments
We decided we needed a break from life for a couple days and why not do it together!
This is where we stayed... (FIVE STAR, WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!)
and we both spent a lot of money here....
Some beautiful places we saw along the way....
It was actually snowing the day I got there (the 24th) .....
and continued to be cold until the day I left (27th).
We also ate here twice, the Red Rock Cafe....
I'd never been through the Salt Lake Temple so we went through just hours after I got off the plane....
Posted by Cathi at 3:17 PM 14 comments