Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Hodgson Family

This morning I took the Hodgson's family portraits. I was able to take their portraits last fall as well. It has been such a pleasure taking thier portraits. They are amazingly photogenic and the kids are so well behaved. This was my favorite of their family portraits.
The pictures were taken just around the corner from our homes on the corner of Westview Dr. and Lincoln Parkway. I will be spending the next few months taking family portraits for friends who would like me to. If you are interested please email me: davencathi at sbcglobal dot net I charge $30 for the session and will put all the portraits on a CD for you to have printed at the photolab of your choice. Thank you Hodgson's for a lovely Saturday morning!
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Tierra Lowry said...

Those pictures turned out so good. We'll have to use you too. I'll let you know. It should be soon though. Here is our blog: