We stayed with Dave's parents while in Arizona. They live in a town called Queen Creek, outside Mesa. All the cousins live there so it was really fun for our kids to have all their cousins to play with. Dave's sister Amy and her husband Tom have five kids: Amanda(13), Adam (11), Ryan (11), Brooke (7), and Tyler (4).

Brookie with Roman, she was so cute with him.

Grandma has a golf cart to drive around the neighborhood with. We drove it to the cousins house since it is just around the corner. The boys LOVED it!!

Grandma bought Disney's "Underdog" while we were there and oddly enough, the boys loved it. They watched in while sitting on Grandma and Grandpa's bed, at least 8 times.

The older cousins couldn't get enought Rock Band. They got really good at the drums, guitar and even the singing. Uncle Tom gave singing a try too.

Amanda, Uncle Steve, Adam, Brooke, Dave, Ryan, & Logan at midnight on New Years Eve!

The nice thing about going to Arizona at Christmas time was supposed to be the beautiful weather. Well, it was unseasonably cold, like 50 degrees. Grandpa had heated the pool though so everyone still went swimming.

Grandpa & Mason
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