(Noah getting a CT scan)

We've had quite a crazy last 6 months with hospital visits. On February 3rd, our sweet little Noah had a seizure in the car while I was driving home from his
opthamologist appt. downtown. After his
appt. we met Dave for lunch and then began the 30 min drive home. Noah fell asleep on the drive home so I wasn't really paying attention to him in the backseat. When we were almost home I heard some noises back there and figured he was waking up. When I looked in the mirror he looked a little odd and falling over in his seat. I asked him if he was okay and he didn't answer me. I noticed that his head was turning to one side
repetatively and he started drooling. I knew then that something was wrong. It's kind of weird but I remembered my dog doing the same head movement and drooling the day we had to put her to sleep. I realized he must be having a seizure. I was nearing the freeway exit home but I didn't know what to do. I decided quickly to get back on the freeway and I called 911. They met me when I pulled over into a business park nearby. Needless to say I was crying uncontrollably and totally scared for my sweet little Noah. The firetruck arrived first then an ambulance. They checked him out and put him on a
sp?). The rushed him to the ER and I followed behind. I called Dave in a complete panic and told him to meet us at the ER.

To make a long story shorter....he was given anti-seizure
meds in the ambulance and put on an IV and oxygen when he got to the ER. He started to return to normal slowly. He was very scared and crying so we tried to distract him with the red light attached to his finger. We told him it was a laser like Buzz
Lightyear. So he
lasered everything in the room. He became happier until they gave him a catheter! (Yikes) They ordered a CT scan and the results showed a part of his brain that hadn't completely formed together. That made him more susceptible to seizures. They sent us home with instructions to meet with a pediatric
neurologist and to have an MRI and EEG done ASAP. He's been doing just fine since we got home but we're all a little scared. He is such a trooper, he has been through
soooo much and always has such a sweet smile on his face. We were so blessed to have so many caring friends and family there for us, praying for Noah and keeping us in their thoughts. We'll update as we get more test results, etc.... We would appreciate your prayers for Noah.
(Noah's laser finger that kept him happy!)
I am so out of the loop - i haven't been to church in forever (sick kiddos, etc). I am sure you were terrified in the car - i don't know if i would have even been as calm as you, able to make the decisions you did. Your little guy will be in our thoughts and prayers!!
Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! How scary. I am glad he is okay. Keep us updated.
Poor Noah, I hope he's okay?! I will keep him in my prayers.
Scary!!! You all will definitely be in our prayers!!! Boy, you sure have had a lot going on lately! You are one strong woman!
Hey Cathi. I have been thinking about you a lot and sweet little Noah will be in our prayers. It really has been one thing after another for your family, and I can imagine you might feel a bit overwhelmed. However, your strength is amazing! Please let me know if you ever need anything.
Wow! you should have said something when we were at the park! that is soooo scary, I am glad he is o.k. but that must have been so traumatic for you. Geez with Dave, the baby noahs eye surgery and this! If you need me to have the boys come play call me!
That sounds TERRIFYING!!! How scary for you and Noah! Good luck with all the rest of the dr appointments and we'll for sure keep Noah in our prayers!
Oh my goodness!! So scary for you guys. I will keep you all in my prayers in hopes that his tests will go well. xxoo
oh Cathi! I hope it will be all under control. I am so sorry to hear about that! What a brave and strong soul you are!
I can not even imagine!!! Poor baby. I am so glad he is okay. Your are such an amazing mom, Cathi.
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