Today we'll be taking Logan to get an MRI like Noah had a few months ago. They just want to check that Logan doesn't have a similar brain problem as Noah. Wish us luck!
The adventures of one father, one mother and FIVE crazy little boys!
Posted by Cathi at 9:24 AM 2 comments
Posted by Cathi at 11:09 AM 6 comments
Posted by Cathi at 9:39 AM 3 comments
Well, we've had a busy last couple of months. We took Noah to Sutter Roseville Hospital to get an EEG, electroencephalogram- {taken from WebMD} a test that measures and records the electrical activity of your brain. Special sensors (electrodes) are attached to your head and hooked by wires to a computer. The computer records your brain's electrical activity on the screen or on paper as wavy lines. Certain conditions, such as seizures, can be seen by the changes in the normal pattern of the brain's electrical activity. EEG is the most useful and important test in confirming a diagnosis of epilepsy. Here's our sweet little Noah, all happy and excited to take the test. We were instructed to keep him up until midnight the night before and then wake him up at 5am and give him a big pancake breakfast. Basically, they wanted him sleep deprived and full and happy to take a nap. We tried to prepare him a bit ahead of time but it wasn't enough. When we got into the testing room he started to get a bit scared. (He's been through a lot lately). It took us an HOUR to get him to finally let the technician to prep him for the test. The prep work takes a long time too!
Posted by Cathi at 10:10 PM 4 comments
Posted by Cathi at 1:27 PM 10 comments